A game which involves tapping cans along conveyor belts to fill them, before they reach a processing machine to be sold.
Tech Stack
- C# .NET 4.5
- MonoGame - An open-source, cross-platform alternative to XNA
- XNA - Microsoft's official managed DirectX API. Now retired
- Json.NET - Used for storing game settings and string translations
- WPF - Provided much of the GUI for game tooling
- Xamarin - Provides cross-platform .NET support for Android, iOS and MacOS
- Google AdSense - In-game advertisements
- Google Analytics - Collection of anonymous usage information and statistics
- Powershell/Command Prompt - Signing of Android APKs
- FL Studio - Used for the creation and editing of sound effects (SFX).
- Audacity - Also used for the creation and editing of game SFX.
- Visual Studio Source Control
Windows Phone 7.x/8.x and Android 4.2+