James Yarwood
C# .NET Developer
Hello, I'm a software developer that is looking to further develop skills towards business-oriented software. I've extensively used C# and the .NET ecosystem as an independent game developer for the past five years with two successful mobile games released on both Windows Phone 7/8 and Android.
I've worked with a variety of different C# frameworks and libraries, ranging from popular ones like Xamarin and JSON.NET to ones targeted at game development, such as MonoGame, SharpDX and XNA.
To begin my transition towards more business-oriented software development, I created this portfolio site from scratch using ASP.NET, Entity Framework, T-SQL and few of the popular JavaScript libraries such as Bootstrap, JQuery and AngularJS.
I would love the opportunity to work with ASP.NET again in the near-future to gain more experience with it and many of the popular tools and frameworks that are used alongside it.
Be sure to take a look around! If you would like to get in touch, check out my CV and hit the contact form!